Logo for a company selling fireplaces
Ava Uksed logo for doors manufacturer
Exhibition stand graphic design and 3D model for the Huppa brand, 2020
IIKA keskus design for souvenirs and clothing, 2021
Logo for the business manufacturing wooden children's products
Logo for the business managing different projects
Logo for the business managing different projects
Window design for the store selling coffee machines
Eesti-Norra kaubavahetus - Green Fjord
Nimi ja logo minu poolt
Estonian Norway trading company Green Fjord
Name and logo from me
MM Kliiniku kodulehe kontseptsioon ja kujundus http://mmkliinik.eu/
Web page concept and design for MM Kliinik
Flaier plastikakirurgiakliinikule MM Kliinik
Flyer for the plastic surgery clinic MM Kliinik
Eesti-Norra kaubavahetus - Green Fjord
Nimi ja logo minu poolt
Estonian Norway trading company Green Fjord
Name and logo from me
MM Kliiniku kodulehe kontseptsioon ja kujundus http://mmkliinik.eu/
Web page concept and design for MM Kliinik
Flaier plastikakirurgiakliinikule MM Kliinik
Flyer for the plastic surgery clinic MM Kliinik
Reklaam plastikakirurgiakliinikule MM Kliinik
Ad for the Estonian plastic surgery clinic MM Kliinik
Logo plastikakirurgiakliinikule MM Kliinik
Logo for the plastic surgery clinic MM Kliinik
Logo meditsiiniteenuseid osutavale ettevõttele
Logo for the company who provides medical services
Kirarrilaagri "ERU KÄMP" logo ja graafiline stiil
Fictional guitar camp "ERU KÄMP" logo and graphic design
Välireklaami kampaania Audentese võrkpalliklubile uute liikmete leidmiseks
Outdoor advertising campaign for Audentes Volleyball Club to recruiting new members
(Hitting is allowed. Only in our company. Audentes Volleyball Club)
Viljani Pärimusmuusika 2010 festivali plakatikonkursil osalenud töö
Viljandi Folk Music Festival 2010. My poster
Viljandi Folk Music Festival 2010. My poster
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Avatud Akadeemia lõputööde näituse plakat "Tase 2011"
Open Academy of Estonian Academy of Arts, a graduation thesis exhibition poster "Level 2011"
Open Academy of Estonian Academy of Arts, a graduation thesis exhibition poster "Level 2011"
Graafiline disain Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu õuealale
Graphic outdoor design for the National Library of Estonia
Graphic outdoor design for the National Library of Estonia
Nimi, logo, stiil ja kodulehe kujundus uuskasutusbrandile "EHE ESE"
Brand design - name, logo, and website design of repurposing brand EHE ESE
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Avatud Akadeemia lõputööde näituse plakat "Tase 2011"
Open Academy of Estonian Academy of Arts, a graduation thesis exhibition poster "Level 2011"
Open Academy of Estonian Academy of Arts, a graduation thesis exhibition poster "Level 2011"
Raamatukaaned teemal - Kalevipoeg - huumor, teatmeteos ja armastusromaanBook cover design - Estonian National Epic - Kalev's son - as a romance book and as a reference book
Seinainstallatsioon "Graafiline kevad" Tallinna Ülikooli Ursa hoones. Kolmemõõtmeline must-valge graafika seinal - mustast puuvillasest materjalist heegeldatud motiivid valgel seinalWall installation"Graphic Spring" in University of Tallinn. Three-dimensional black-and-white graphics on the wall - crocheted black cotton motifs on the white wall